During Covit-19, a plan was born to install a giant moa (Dinornis maximus,an extinct species) as a symbolic monument of the Abiko City Museum of Birds opposite the entrance of the museum.
The plan was born out of a desire to make the existence of " Abiko bird museum" more known both in Japan and abroad, and to encourage more people to visit Abiko City and learn about the charms of this town by learning scientifically what kind of creatures birds are, and thinking about the coexistence of people and birds, local nature conservation, and global environmental issues.
With this in mind, the "Abiko Art Walking" planning committee, which holds an "walk museum" in Abiko decided to create a symbolic monument, inheriting the spirit of Shirakaba school which was the power of art to enrich people's minds.
◎Past Activities
Abiko City, Chiba Prefecture, is easily access from Abiko Station on the JR or Chiyoda Line.
"Abiko Art Walking" started as a place to enjoy a peaceful and healing landscape (Healing Landscape Abiko Art Walking), and by 2022, it will have been held 21 times and has become a stage for artists in and outside of Abiko to promote Abiko's qualities. On the other hand, citizens can walk around the city and appreciate the artworks exhibited outdoors and indoors, experience and interact with creative activities, and together create a culture with new meaning and value. For the citizens, they can experience the trial of creating "art " in Abiko while strolling around. At the same time, this three-week event is rich in variety, with presentations and sales events that make the most of local assets.
The walking destination is Teganuma Park, the "Hake-no-michi" (path of bamboo) where major activities of the Shirakaba School were developed, and the library, promenade, and water pavilion across from it, creating a place for citizen exchange through the creative sites of the artists and artisans.
In addition, the shopping center in front of Abiko Station, A, Bishirube (information center), has hosted exhibitions and sales events of handmade crafts, art works (ceramics, sculptures, paintings), agricultural products, dance, music, and more. Extensive art tours can be enjoyed to nearby Keyaki Plaza, Chiba Bank, Sugimura-Sojinkan Residence Garden, Jigoro Kano Villa Site Park adjacent to the site of Muneyoshi Yanagi's villa, Teganuma Park promenade, Shirakaba Museum, Kofun Park, and the former Murakawa Villa.
Abiko Art Walking is characterized not only by the opportunity to see and enjoy art, but also by the time and space to meet and interact with artists and enjoy the Shirakaba spirit, which stimulates the senses and nurtures rich ideas in everyone of all ages.
◎Request for your cooperation
The Giant Moor to be installed in the future is a large sculpture (3.6 meters high), and the artist and his assistant are preparing for its creation while keeping production and material costs to a minimum. It will be installed directly across from the Museum of Birds. The giant bird monument will be made of silvery stainless steel, a unique and innovative statue combining several layers of molds, and will become a new art scene in Abiko. We hope you will extend your understanding and support to these citizens' community development activities.
振込先口座:千葉銀行 我孫子支店 口座番号 3590735
一口 3,000 円から
*A skeletal replica of a giant moa, now extinct, is on permanent display at the Museum of Birds, so please come and see it.
<Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator>◎プロジェクトの背景
"安らぎと癒しの風景を楽しむ場 "として始まった「あびこアートウォーキング」は、2022年までに21回開催され、我孫子市内外のアーティストが我孫子の良さをアピールする舞台になっています。一方、市民は、街を歩きながら屋外・屋内に展示されたアート作品を鑑賞し、創作活動を体験・交流し、共に新しい意味と価値を持つ文化を創造していくことができるのです。市民にとっては、散策しながら我孫子で「アート」を創るという試みを体験することができるのです。同時に、地域の資産を生かしたプレゼンテーションや販売イベントなど、バラエティに富んだ3週間です。
今後設置予定のジャイアントモア(Dinornis maximus)は、高さ3.6mの大型彫刻ですが、作家とアシスタントが、制作費と材料費を最小限に抑えながら制作の準備を進めています。鳥の博物館の真向かいに設置される予定です。巨大な鳥のモニュメントは、銀色に輝くステンレス製、数重もの型を組み合わせるユニークで斬新な彫像です、新たな我孫子のアートシーンとなる予定です。
04-7185-1094(太田) ✉abcota_0305●yahoo.co.jp