イラクの戦争孤児だった推定17歳のエマニュエル・ケリーは、オーストラリア人で人道活動をするケリーに見出されて兄弟のアハマドと共に化学兵器によって手足を失った状態であったのを救い出されて、手術を受けるためにオーストラリアに亘る。ケリーの要旨となって市民権を得て、X-factorというオーディション番組( オーストラリア)に2011年に出演して以来、講演、歌手として平和を訴える活動をしている。
Iraqi-born brothers Emmanuel and Ahmed Kelly.[16] The brothers, born with "severely underdeveloped limbs" due to chemical warfare, were discovered by Kelly in 1998 at the Mother Teresa Orphanage in Baghdad. Kelly brought them both to Australia for medical treatment and subsequently adopted them. In 2009, Ahmed and Emmanuel Kelly became Australian citizens. Ahmed, a quadruple amputee and swimmer, represented Australia in the 50-metre breaststroke, 50-metre backstroke, 150-metre individual medley, and the 100-metre freestyle at the 2012 Summer Paralympics.
Emmanuel Kelly was a contestant on the 2011 season of The X Factor. He was cut from the competition on 11 September 2011, "after forgetting the lyrics several times during his performance." Following his appearance on The X-Factor, he met with producers and auditioned for The Glee Project.