Gaga said "10 days staying in Japan aims to show how peace and safe Japan is! It is important to do something than to say something, isn't it? " Now she plans to visit Tohoku,but nobody know this time or next time.

Gaga wares her list band
Sato /WireImage / Getty Images
Hours after the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami hit Japan on March 11, she tweeted a message and a link to Japan Prayer Wristbands. With the company, she designed a bracelet, with all sales revenue going to Japanese relief efforts.
The pop deva, Gaga raised around US$3 million (S$3.7 million) for people in the disaster zones, including revenues from selling a wristband that her Haus of Gaga behind-the-scenes creative team produced, and personal contributions, according to local media.
"I can't say enough to people all over the world that the majority of Japan right now, Japan in general, is very safe," she said. "It's fine to come here. It's beautiful."
Many performers and athletes have canceled appearances in Japan after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that caused widespread destruction and set off a crisis at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant about 140 miles north of Tokyo. Tens of thousands of people were forced to leave homes near the plant because of the radiation danger, but even far from the evacuation zone, Japanese tourism has suffered because of the disaster.
The singer received a certificate from the commissioner of the Japan Tourism Agency on Thursday, thanking her for her support and money-raising efforts.
"Never give up, finally stand a Japanese traditional doll,okiagarikoboshi. This is Fukushima," said an excited .'It is so important that we continue to raise money. But it is also important that we remind the world that Japan is now safe and that the doors are wide open for tourists from all over the world to come in and enjoy the beautiful country.' She said she would auction off her tea cup to raise funds for the Red Cross.
Her favorite food is soba(noodle) at Shinagawa Sta.!!
If she drops at Abiko Sta. to taste Yayoiken's Karaage-soba, she may like it as I do and others!!!
地震そして、福島第1原発での事故の影響により、浅草や京都など、海外からの旅行客に人気の観光地も、渡航者が激減している。震災から3か月以上がたったが、外国人の来日キャンセルが続く現実に、日本のエンターテインメント業界も危機的な状況に追い込まれていた。そんな状況下でのガガ来日は、まさに明るい希望の光だ。ガガは、周囲の人々に「可能であれば被災地訪問もしたい」と語っているそうだが、スケジュールはまだ白紙状態とのこと。日本滞在中、彼女がどんなアクションを起こすのか? その行動に注目していきたい。