The film adaptation of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind was released in 1984. Although it was released before Studio Ghibli was established, it is generally considered a Studio Ghibli film.
The story of the film is much simpler than that of the manga, roughly corresponding to the first two books of the manga, the point the story had reached when film production began. There are significant differences in plot, with more locations, factions and characters appearing in the manga, as well as more detailed environmentalist themes. The tone of the manga is also more philosophical than the film. Nausicaä explores the concepts of fatalistic nihilism and struggles with the militarism of major powers. The series has been interpreted from the views of utopia[15] as well as religious studies.
ストーリーは、科学文明の崩壊後、異形の生態系に覆われた終末世界を舞台に、人と自然の歩むべき道を求める少女ナウシカの姿を描いています。 地上には有毒ガスが充満する腐海(ふかい)と呼ばれる菌類の森や、腐海の中でのみ生息する獰猛な蟲(むし)からなる新たな生態系が発生し、次第に周囲に広がっていきまた。拡散する腐海に脅かされながら、わずかに残った人類は、古の文明の遺物を発掘して利用しつつ、細々と暮らしていました。