Abiko city is firstly incredibly full of nature, crossing river along city, surrounded by greenies, and even people in this city are highly hospitable and kind. In fact through Turkish view, Abiko is overwhelmed and attractive. I guess that it is a small sample representing whole population of Japan. It was my concern with Japan that food and life style which is quite different from mine. However, I didn’t have any difficulties with such concerns while I was there, even when I left for my hometown, I felt that I missed what I tasted and experienced with people in Japan.
Additionally, preserving traditional life style is so much impressive for me, because of that I like classic and traditional life. I especially attended tea ceremony three times being very popular in Japan. I was so pleased with exposing to Japanese traditional life. For examples from tea ceremony; sitting on the knee, bowing after each performance, holding the cups differently, tasting homemade cookies and so on. These things I have never seen before are really beautiful, furthermore I strongly suggest for Japan, particularly Abiko People to preserve such important customs to eternity.
As for my culture and country, Turkey, previous name called Ottoman Emperor; I will give some details about related history. Ottoman in the past had been a great symbol of Islam and reflecting its mission into real life such as given freedom and justice for each community, constructed huge mosques, bridges and others so that it became peacemaker of the world. Additionally, it may be seen that many Japanese tourists travel to Turkey in order to visit a lot of historical places. I strongly hope that reputation temporally obtained in the past might renew in the following years.
I heartedly thank you for given this kind chance to express my feelings about Abiko and Japan.